Uh Oh…New York Supreme Court Rules the State’s Red Flag Confiscation Law is Unconstitutional

Gosh, this hasn’t been a good week for America’s gun control industry. First Governor Ron DeSantis signed permitless concealed carry into law, tipping the balance in favor of states that don’t require a government-issued permission slip to keep and bear arms. That was traumatizing enough for the forces of civilian disarmament. Today, however, another blow … Read more

Why Didn’t Colorado’s ‘Red Flag’ Law Prevent the Club Q Shooting?

By Alex McCourt, Johns Hopkins University The killing of five patrons in a Colorado LGBTQ bar on Nov. 19, 2022, is the latest mass shooting to garner headlines in the U.S. Police have said they have yet to determine a motive. But one thing that has emerged is that the suspect had a history of … Read more

Cops Wrestle With Whether and When to Take a Suicidal Officer’s Gun

[ED: It’s difficult to read the following report regarding potentially suicidal police officers and guns without contrasting the treatment and deference they receive with that of civilians under the expansion of “red flag” laws. The NYPD describes their process as “a judicious measure carried out with dignity and designed to save a life.” Can anyone … Read more