Nevada County Wants to Recall Sheriff Who Promises to Enforce Red Flag Laws

Several people in the county seat of Winnemucca are leading the effort to recall Humboldt County Sheriff Mike Allen. The recall effort against Allen is simple. His constituents say he will not protect them against unconstitutional laws that seek to circumvent an individual’s rights provided by the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 10th and 14th Amendments. Allen states … Read more

Red Flag Law Abuse: Lawsuit Plaintiff Files Dubious Red Flag Action Against New Jersey Man

Red Flag laws, or so-called “extreme risk protection orders” strip gun owners of their gun rights without any due process to confront their accusers. And just like traditional “orders of protection,” abuse runs rampant as people use them as bargaining chips in personal disputes and legal battles. That’s exactly what appears to have happened in … Read more

Martin: Republicans Need to Pay a Price for Support of ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control Laws

Time and again laws already on the books could have or should have been used to stop (murderers) from obtaining weapons. From the Sandy Hook shooting to Parkland, Florida, to El Paso and Dayton, law enforcement either had the tools and did not use them to stop these shooters early or the background system worked and … Read more

Red Flag Law Fantasies – We Need Verifiable, Objective Data

By Dennis Petrocelli, MD The idea behind red flag laws—stopping violence with guns before it occurs—is a laudable one. It may even be the case that the pursuit of this goal will help transform the behavioral science of risk assessment for the good of society. An apropos analogy may well be anti-missile missile technology. At the time … Read more

Newsom: California May Have Nation’s Strictest Gun Laws, But Needs to Do Much More

Now, thanks to California Governor Gavin Newsom, just about anyone you’ve ever come in contact with can initiate a gun violence restraining order (“red flag”) confiscation order against you. California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday signed a law that will make the state the first to allow employers, co-workers and teachers to seek gun violence … Read more

It’s Time to Raise the Red Card on Red Flag Law-Supporting Politicians

By Dennis Petrocelli, MD Virginians have the opportunity soon to vote for candidates for all of the seats in the General Assembly—both Delegates and State Senators. Millions of dollars are pouring in from out-of-state in a shameless attempt to hijack the election and shift the political orientation of the Commonwealth from red to blue. Second … Read more

SAF: Anonymous Whistleblower Claim Against Trump Is Like a Red Flag Order Against a Gun Owner

The current impeachment inquiry against President Trump is based on an anonymous whistleblower complaint lodged by an intelligence officer. That complaint and the Democrats’ impeachment push that resulted may have doomed any chance they had of getting a background check or red flag bill passed. The Second Amendment Foundation looks at the anonymous complaint and … Read more

Swearer: This is What a Good Red Flag Law Would Look Like

The quote of the day is presented by The danger of red-flag laws is not in the idea itself, but in the way many states have implemented laws that neglect any meaningful sense of due process and that fail to provide necessary safeguards against abuse or misuse. We must ensure not just that dangerous people … Read more

Oliver: The Anti-Gun Left’s ‘Solutions’ to Mass Shootings Won’t Work, And They Know It

The quote of the day is presented by The liberals demand one or more of several “solutions” to the mass shooting problem. One is to outlaw “assault weapons.” “Assault weapons” is a category invented by liberals. It has no particular meaning. One aspect of “assault weapons” is that they hold multiple bullets (as do, of … Read more