Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf Makes a Great Case Against Red Flag Laws

Red flag laws allow us to take action when someone who has a gun begins to act erratically. Red flag laws still require due process, and any removal of weapons is temporary. — Governor Tom Wolf (@GovernorTomWolf) June 16, 2022 The absolute ignorance of our justice system and its operations it would take to … Read more

The Science is Settled: Study Shows Red Flag Laws Don’t Reduce Violent Crime or Suicides

By Thomas E. Gift, MD “Red flag Laws”, which allow police to seize the firearms of people accused of being at risk to misuse them, have been passed in 19 states. Do they do what proponents say they do? A recent study by Veronica Pear, PhD and Garen Wintemute, MD, and co-authors says the answer is clearly, … Read more