New York: Voluntarily Waive Your Gun Rights…Legally

Maybe this one shouldn’t come as a surprise, but it does. A group of New York Assembly Democrats – Amy Paulin, D-Scarsdale, and co-sponsored by Jeffrey Dinowitz, Fred Abinanti, Richard Gottfried, Assemblywoman Fahy, Rebecca Seawright, Assemblyman Englebright and Assemblyman Dickens – have proposed legislation that would make it possible for New Yorkers to voluntarily waive … Read more

A New York Hospital System is Building a Gun Owner Registry One Patient At a Time

Northwell Health, New York State’s largest healthcare provider, is beginning a pilot program ostensibly intended to determine their patients’ “risk for firearm injury.” Starting later this month, Northwell staff at two Long Island hospitals and a third on Staten Island will add a question to their routine screening of emergency room patients: Do you have … Read more