The Seventh Circuit Upholds NFA Restrictions on SBRs in United States v. Rush

The Seventh Circuit Upholds NFA Restrictions on SBRs in United States v. Rush

By Jim Strong Yesterday, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in United States v. Rush that short-barreled rifles (SBRs) can still be restricted under the National Firearms Act (NFA). This decision relies on outdated legal precedent and the flawed reasoning that SBRs are inherently more dangerous than other firearms due to their concealability and power. However, an … Read more

ATF: Accessories Submitted for GCA or NFA Approval Must Be Submitted With a Firearm

The ATF’s Firearms Technology Industry Services Branch just sent out the following notification via email: Effective Immediately: The Firearms Technology Industry Services Branch (FTISB) classifies firearms as defined by the Gun Control Act (GCA) and National Firearms Act (NFA) based on the configuration and the design features of the firearm as submitted by members of … Read more

Spitzer: Gun Regulation is Compatible with Gun Rights

“One of the most frequently repeated tropes about gun laws and regulations is that they are ineffective, or—worse yet—ultimately useless at thwarting the adverse consequences of guns. Yet one need not search far to find effective gun laws, or to understand why this is so often said about gun regulation. “The lessons of the 1934 … Read more

One More Thought on the Problems with Concealed Carry.

The best thing about slaving over a hot laptop for TTAG is the instant gratification I get from the TTAGencia, when they respond to my posts. Seriously. In what other media do you get that kind of feedback. Of course, it’s not all roses and champagne – you guys are ready willing and able to take me to task for any points I’ve mangled, overlooked, or just outright gotten wrong. To that end, I read the comments on my 10 Things You Never Thought Through about Concealed Carry with interest. Reading several of the comments, it made me realize that I’d missed a huge point, ironically the very one that got me to thinking about the topic to begin with. (Note to self: Might be a good idea to jot down ideas when they are fresh, rather than relying on memory when you get around to writing a story.) To wit:

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