Americans Buying Guns Because They Can’t Count on Beleaguered Police or Soft-on-Crime Pols to Protect Them

In recent weeks, Americans voted with their wallets — again — and have stripped gun retailers’ shelves bare of most guns and ammo. Between the Chinese flu and widespread civil unrest, these buyers included over two million first-time firearm owners. Increasingly, Americans are realizing that they can’t count on the beleaguered police or soft-on-crime politicians … Read more

My Favorite Shotgun: The Ohio National Guard Remington 870

When an ad scrawled across my Facebook feed from a military collectors group showing a rare Ohio National Guard 870 with the bayonet lug and ONG markings, I nearly broke my keyboard punching in my credit card number as fast as I could. At the price of only $229 dollars, I should have bought five … Read more

Gun Review: Hurricane Butterfly Typhoon 12 AOW

There’s no doubt that twelve-gauge AOWs command attention at the range, in the shop, or out in the field. They have an awesome look about them, they’re a ton of fun to shoot a variety of loads through, are great for breaching, and they make for a solid home defense option (with Laserlyte Center Mass?). … Read more

Porn Star Surrenders Her Shotgun to Austin Police In Virtue Signaling Stunt

“Celebrities” will do the darnedest things to virtue signal for a little love from their low-information fanbases (and get their names mentioned again). Retired porn star Mia Khalifa sought fifteen more minutes of fame yesterday with the help of the Austin, Texas Police Department. Following the Santa Fe High School shooting, she very publicly surrendered … Read more

The Remington 870 DM Goes Hog Hunting in Texas

By Kat Ainsworth In the Lone Star state, the state mammal (small version) is the nine-banded armadillo, the state bird is the northern mockingbird and the state religion is feral hog hunting. All right, that last part isn’t exactly true, but it should be. In Texas, hogs dole out approximately $52 million of agricultural damage … Read more

Gun Review: Remington 870 DM Magpul Shotgun

The Remington 870 shotgun is simple, efficient, affordable and reliable. No wonder Big Green’s sold almost 12 million of them. With their new 870 DM (for detachable magazine) Remmy has rolled the dice. Have they produced the New Coke of shotguns or a V8-like forehead slapper that will have other shotgun makers wondering why they … Read more

Remington Announces New Line of 870 DM Magazine-Fed Shotguns

[Read TTAG’s review of the Remington 870 DM HERE] Quick…when you think of a pump shotgun, what’s the first one that comes to mind? It’s probably the venerable Remington 870. And for good reason. There aren’t many more versatile, affordable pump guns sold…perfect for use in roles from home defense to hunting to breaking clays … Read more

Top Five Guns of the National Sporting Arms Museum

The NRA National Sporting Arms Museum is nestled in the Bass Pro Shops flagship store in Springfield, MO. After ascending a staircase flanked by railings made of muskets, visitors enter a beautiful space filled with around 1,000 remarkable guns. Iin no particular order, here are my Top Five Guns of the NRA NSAM: Teddy Roosevelt’s … Read more