Competition shooters shell-out thousands of dollars for tricked-out polymer pistols. Glock has long been the big dog in the field (“Ole Reliable”). Over the last few years, more and more mainstream manufacturers have seen the advantages of (i.e. profit in) modifying their models for customers who are more results than price-driven. Smith & Wesson entered the fray with their M&P Pro Series. Springfield Armory (SA) recently introduced their XDm 5.25” Competition Models in 9mm, .40 S&W and .45 ACP. Springfield graciously provided us with one of their 9mm Competition Models so we could see if a fool and his plain Jane pistol could soon be parted . . .
Remington UMC
UPDATE: Remington UMC vs. Ruger SR9c – Are We There Yet?
I’ve just returned from the American Firearms School, where I fed our test and evaluation Ruger SR9c something other than 115-grain Remington UMC bullets. In specific, I shot ten rounds-plus from each of the five boxes above: Vollmantel, Independence (a soft-shooting budget brand that produces some big-ass muzzle flash), TulAmmo, American Eagle and Winchester White Box. Hakuna mutata. Means no worries, for the rest of my life. I hope. Meanwhile . . .