The Dumbest $h!t We Heard During the House’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Hearing

As was pre-ordained, the House Judiciary Committee passed HR 1808 on to the full House of Representatives yesterday. The bill moved on after a party-line vote which was preceded by some of the most entertaining debate and testimony in recent memory. And by entertaining, we mean in a facepalmingly sardonic, end-of-the-empire kinda way. As was … Read more

Two Antitrust Democrats OK Taking Money From Big Banks Working Against the Firearms Industry

By Larry Keane Any other year, taking money from an industry that’s conducting barred activity would be called corruption. Not in election years, though, and not when it comes to banks and guns. Congressional Democrats are holding a fundraiser Aug. 24 for Democratic nominee Joe Biden that’s headlined, “Virtual Conversation on the Future of Antitrust,” … Read more