NH Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Discusses New Gun Law She Would Sign

New Hampshire has been ranked the most “gun-owner friendly” state in the union and has even recently taken on a neighboring state over their restrictive gun laws. So, in a state whose motto is “Live Free or Die,” and as the candidate for governor from the Republican Party—the party that runs on a platform of … Read more

Why I Oppose All Gun Control, Despite Not Being A Conservative

While it is true many gun owners tend to lean more conservative in their overall political views because the Democratic Party today overwhelmingly supports more legislation limiting gun ownership, there are still people of every political stripe and walk of life who enjoy shooting and support the Second Amendment. But it can make it tricky … Read more

Care About Your Gun Rights? Make Sure You Vote

Concerns over stolen elections, manipulated elections and a system that is arguably plagued with flaws and accusations aside, sheer numbers of supporters is the best chance we have of ensuring the candidate of our choice wins an election at every level. A new report from a grassroots voter registration group demonstrates the tremendous importance of … Read more

Gun Groups Support Trump’s Choice for VP

Following Donald Trump’s announcement this week in choosing one-time critic J.D. Vance as his vice presidential nominee and Vance’s own speech at the Republican National Convention last night, while some serious Trumpers may still have their doubts, Vance’s record has for now won the support of some of our country’s biggest gun rights organizations. Here … Read more

States Split on Gun Sale Tracking as New Laws Take Effect

A national debate has emerged over gun sale tracking as states adopt conflicting laws regarding the use of retail codes for firearms transactions. As reported earlier, a California law went into effect today that mandates credit card networks like Visa and Mastercard to assign special retail codes to gun stores, enabling banks to track their … Read more

Senator Seeks to Remove Suppressors from NFA Regulation

In a move lauded by Second Amendment supporters, Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) is poised to introduce legislation that would remove gun silencers from federal regulation, a significant shift in firearm accessory laws. Titled the Silencers Help Us Save Hearing Act, or SHUSH Act, the bill aims to entirely deregulate suppressors, eliminate associated penalties, and extend … Read more

Nick Freitas: One to Watch as a Defender of the Second Amendment

If you haven’t been on Nick Freitas’s Instagram page where the rising political and social media star (he has more than 1.1 million followers) regularly posts, you’re missing out on both his mild-mannered humor as well as his anti-gun argument destroying logic that he uses in attempting to stem the Democratic tide of bad legislation … Read more

FL Governor Ron DeSantis Calls For Constitutional Carry. Why Has The Republican Legislature Blocked It?

March 3, 2022: Governor Ron DeSantis, while at a press event in Panama City, was questioned by a reporter on the status of Constitutional Carry law in Florida. The governor’s response was simple . . . “Put it on my desk; I’ll sign it.” But it hasn’t been sent to his desk. The Florida legislature, … Read more

Priorities: Florida Senate Passes GOP Bill Naming Strawberry Shortcake the Official State Dessert While Constitutional Carry Goes Nowhere

State Senator Danny Burgess, chairman of the Senate’s Judiciary Committee, introduced SB 1006, a crucial bill that would name strawberry shortcake as the official state dessert of Florida. Never mind that literally no one associates Florida with strawberry shortcake. But since Plant City (an area of the state apparently grows strawberries) is in of Sen. … Read more