Did Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Just Call Out Anti-Gun Republicans in the State Legislature?

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis just delivered his State of the State address to a joint session of the legislature, something that’s traditionally done at the start of each legislative session. The session started today and the Governor addressed a number of topics; the economy, schooling, immigration, etc. This being The Truth About Guns, I know … Read more

Constitutional Carry Bill Introduced Again in Florida…Is the Third Time the Charm?

Gun Owners of America and Florida State Representative Anthony Sabatini held a press conference on August 23rd at the Florida state capitol to bring constitutional carry to the forefront. Why? Because the Republican party in Florida has stated numerous times that they don’t feel pro-gun legislation is an issue this coming session and it doesn’t … Read more

Why Do Florida Republicans Suffer From Amnesia When it Comes to Gun Rights?

We have 102 Republicans in office in Florida between the House and the Senate — a supermajority in both chambers. And yet we can count the pro-gun bills that have been introduced so far on a single hand. These lawmakers campaign on a pro-Second Amendment platform, but once they arrive in Tallahassee, they suffer from … Read more

Breitbart to Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: “Bring it on!”


I love this guy. No namby-pamby, wishy-washy, “let’s all sing Kumbayah” and share our feelings with the group crap. Andrew Breitbart calls ’em as he sees ’em. And what he sees is an assault on gun rights, specifically because many of those in groups espousing gun “control” share an agenda that includes disarming the opposition. Wow. I sense a disturbance in the force. I can hear all those on the Left that read TTAG readying their tar and feathers. But wait a tick. I think there’s some middle ground here, and before we get into yet again another flame war, I think Breitbart’s position bears some examination . . .

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ATF Death Watch 26: Acceptable Losses.

Feed me, Seymour. Feed me all night long.

In Vietnam, I understand the official term was “friendly fire.” The grunts called it “fragging.” Killed by your own troops. It happens. Generals don’t like to lose anybody, but as realists, they have to talk about things in terms of “acceptable losses” and “collateral damage.” But when it is leaders taking the bullet, and not foot soldiers, there’s usually a more political and Machiavellian undercurrent to it. And that brings us to speculate on the fallout from Project Gunwalker, and how it pertains to the political prospects of one Barack Hussein Obama.

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What…Me Vote?

Okay TTAGers. November 2nd is fast upon us. For those of you busy reading our site (and thank you for that, by the way) and not paying attention to politics and current events, November 2nd is Election Day around the Nation. If you haven’t voted already, I’m here to nag you into doing your civic duty and do it. But it’s not enough just to vote. It’s who you vote for that will make a huge difference, more so this year than any other. Let me explain…

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The Scariest Words in the English Language.

If you’re a guy in a relationship with a woman, you might answer the question “what are the scariest words in the English language?” with the phrase “we need to talk.” If you frequently fly without a net (if you know what I mean, and I think you do) they might be “Honey…I’m/We’re pregnant!” But regardless of your age, gender, race, creed, color or national origin, the real scariest words in the English language are these:

We’re from the government . . . we’re here to help.

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