Tom Gresham: Wayne Must Go

On his GunTalk radio show and website, Tom Gresham has added his voice to the cacophony calling for the ouster of Wayne LaPierre as Executive Director at the National Rifle Association. “The CEO has failed,” Gresham wrote.  “…[I]t’s time for a new leader.” Gresham has had his “Gun Talk” radio show since 1995 and has … Read more

ATF Death Watch 20: Hell No, I Won’t Go!

Forget what we said earlier, about ATF Acting Head (case) Kenneth Melson going gently into that good night. Apparently, he’s circled the wagons, barricaded himself in his bunker, and put out a call to Ava Braun. That’s right, campers. The embattled head of the Agency Most Likely To Commit A Crime In The Name Of Justice is standing firm. Kind of like a captain, going down with his ship, only in the ATF version, Melson is the one with his hand on the scupper plug helping the ship to go down around him.

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ATF Death Watch 17: CNN Reports Melson to Resign Under Pressure

Well DUH. I mean, yes, TTAG did report on this likelihood last week, but it’s not like you’d have to be psychic to figure this one out. Melson’s resignation was every bit as obvious (and every bit as not-funny) as a Gallagher routine with a watermelon. Even with Melson essaying the role of the stunt melon . . .

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