Using Big Brother-Style Monitoring to Predict ‘Gun Violence’ is Getting More Pushback

Welcome to the brave new world of social media and other online activity monitoring in the name of preventing the next El Paso or Dayton. Texas Senator John Cornyn’s new RESPONSE bill would have schools keep an eye on what their students are doing and saying online. Other bills such as the bipartisan-supported TAPS Act … Read more

Texas Sen. Cornyn Announces RESPONSE Act to ‘Prevent (Mass) Attacks and Make Communities Safer’

Today in the Senate I will be introducing the Restoring, Enhancing, Strengthening, and Promoting Our Nation’s Safety Efforts – or RESPONSE – Act. This bill will include a number of provisions to prevent attacks and make our communities safer. The RESPONSE Act creates nationwide task forces to investigate and prosecute those who are illegally selling … Read more