Gear Review: Teeny Rimfire Silencer Roundup

Outside of Hollywood, the purpose of a firearm suppressor is to reduce the volume of a gunshot to below the threshold of causing immediate hearing damage. While chasing the lowest decibel ratings is the norm for newcomers to silencer ownership, experience eventually takes most shooters in a different direction: a quest for the smallest, lightest … Read more

New From SilencerCo: The Switchback 22 – The Quietest Rimfire Suppressor Available

Just in time for SilencerCo‘s tenth anniversary, the company is releasing what it’s claiming is the quietest .22LR suppressor on the market, the Switchback 22. It’s a modular suppressor designed to be run in four different configurations on calibers all the way up to and including 5.7×28. SilencerCo’s press release follows, but stay tuned because … Read more

Gear Review: TTAG’s Rimfire Suppressor Round-Up Silencer Shop added me to their SOT, which means I can now borrow suppressors from their extensive inventory. In a couple of weeks I’ll be a Texan, and close enough to Silencer Shop’s HQ to also borrow professional dB metering equipment to start producing more meaningful, complete suppressor reviews for y’all. In the meantime, they … Read more

Gear Review: Q El Camino .22 LR Suppressor

The El Camino is the first silencer to come out of Q, Kevin Brittingham’s new venture. I believe for the first year it will be a Silencer Shop exclusive, and they loaned this one to me for a little quality time. As the Q guys were originally the AAC guys, and the AAC Element 2, which … Read more

Ammo Review: CCI COPPER-22, the Fastest .22 LR Ever CCI’s new COPPER-22 advertises that it sends a 21 grain lead-free projectile down range at 1,850 fps. Actually meeting that figure would make it the fastest .22 LR on the market — perhaps ever — by about a 100 fps margin. Designed for plinking as well as for small game and varmint hunting, the non-lead projectiles make the … Read more

Coming Soon: Rimfire Nation?


Image courtesty Joe Grine for The Truth About Guns

Tyler and I were recently kvetching on Google Chat about the new price of magazines (bad) and the sudden unavailability of ammo (even worse.) The coolest AR race gun I’ve ever seen is currently sitting in my gun safe doing absolutely nothing, and Tyler may have to back out from a tactical shooting clinic, all because 5.56mm ammo is simply not available in the quantities we need . . .

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Question Of The Day: .22 Upper or Drop-In Kit?

We all love to shoot our ARs, AKs, SCARs and other modern sporting rifles, but the price of ammo makes it impossible to spend an afternoon burning powder without burning a hefty wad of cash in the process. Even if you don’t mind using the cheap (steel-cased) stuff, you have to plan for spending almost $75 to burn through ten 30-round magazines.

So whaddya gonna do?

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