Biden DOJ Rolls Out New Gun Control Measures

The Department of Justice under the current Biden administration, has introduced a new pair of gun control “rules” with the goal being to bring regulations into compliance with the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA).  The BSCA, mostly passed by Democrats, saw 15 “Republicans” led by John Cornyn (R-TX) abandoning their constituent base and values to … Read more

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert Dazzles at an Illinois Gun Rights Rally

While most gun owners don’t take a great deal of interest in politics, plenty of politicians take an interest in them. So with just a few days’ notice, nearly two hundred people showed up at a gun rights political rally held in Quincy, Illinois on Saturday. There they heard Colorado’s rock star pro-gun activist Congresswoman … Read more

Indiana Lawmakers Put Constitutional Carry on Governor’s Desk; Approval Expected… Or Else

Yesterday, Indiana passed a Constitutional Carry bill that would allow anyone 18-years-old or older eligible to own a gun the right to carry one in public without any government licenses.  It passed overwhelmingly, putting Gov. Holcomb in a sticky position. While Governor Eric Holcomb is a Republican, he’s not a big fan of Constitutional Carry.  … Read more

Florida Kerfuffle: GOA’s Luis Valdes Attacked For Calling Out an Allegedly Pro-Gun Politician

TTAG contributor Luis Valdes, in his role as Florida Director for Gun Owners of America, called out a so-called pro-gun Republican for blocking five of six major pro-gun bills in his leadership position in the Florida House of Representatives. That led to Florida Carry spokesman Lee Williams writing an attack piece that United Sportsmen of … Read more

Book Review: Left Turn

Media Bias.

What if you had the power to change history? What if you could influence the future? How ’bout an election or two? Let’s assume that’s possible for the nonce. Would you use that power for good or evil? Would having the power corrupt you, sooner, later, or eventually? And here’s the kicker – would you know if you had it, and if you knew, would it make any difference in your behavior? That’s a lot of what ifs. But that’s the price you pay for reading a book that can turn conventional wisdom on its ear, as does Left Turn, a book by the Marvin Hoffenberg Professor of American Politics at UCLA, Professor Tim Groseclose. But the more interesting question the book raises, is how does this affect the fight over our 2nd Amendment rights?

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Is Private Gun Ownership a Conservative Affair?

I spend waaaay too much time online. (If I spent as much time at the range as I do Facebook, I could qualify for Top Shot.) Anywho, I got into it recently with a couple of people of the far-Left persuasion, one of whom was from California. You know. The Home of Legislation Designed To Drive Gun Manufacturers Out of Business. Now I don’t mean to insult the Conservatives that live in the Golden State (yes, Virginia, there ARE Conservatives in California. I know two of them personally). But I’ve always wondered why the most vocal of Californians seem to be Hell-bent for leather to ban guns, ban oil, ban nuclear energy, fast food, and every other thing that makes America great. And I think I have an idea why, courtesy of a flame war on Facebook.

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NRA Keynote: Sarah Palin

At any other venue, ex-U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, Iran-Contra-schemer-turned-conservative-commentator Oliver North and conservative gadfly Michael Reagan would be headliners. At the National Rifle Association (NRA) Charlotte confab, they’re the support act. But not the warm-up. The NRA’s fight card violates an unwritten rule in showbiz: keep your powder dry. Save the best for last. The portion of the lineup that I saw today began with Bolton talking about the U.N.’s plan to supersede the U.S. Constitution with international “law”. Reagan’s genetic progeny then spoke on generic conservatism. Followed by former Alaska Governor Sarah “Populist” Palin accusing President Obama of closeted gun grabbing dreams. After that, Oliver North said something, followed by a Congressman who said the same sort of thing, etc. Like most of the crowd, I was there for Sarah’s speech. It was revelatory, but not for the reasons you might think . . .

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