Rational Riot Response: Kenosha Area Gun Sales Skyrocket

TMZ – yes, really, TMZ – reported a significant surge in gun sales in Kenosha, Wisconsin and surrounding areas. That shouldn’t be surprising, really, although considering the gun sales spikes we’ve been seeing nationwide it’s a little startling that they can go up even more. But riots and burning buildings are tend to motivate people. … Read more

Kyle Rittenhouse’s Lawyers Release a Thorough Self-Defense Narrative

Kyle Rittenhouse shot three men last week in Kenosha during the height of the rioting in that city. Now, his new legal team, headed up by John Pierce of Pierce Bainbridge, has released a three-page statement about Rittenhouse’s defensive actions that night. In it, the attorney lays waste to a number of rumors and innuendo … Read more

CNN: Anthony Huber Had Nothing but a Skateboard

The latest installment of “what did I just read” comes to us courtesy of CNN. CNN has delivered quite the onslaught of content on what all has gone on in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Now they’ve continued the journalistic excellence with a piece on Anthony Huber, the now-deceased 26-year-old man with a long rap sheet of domestic … Read more