The Nickel-and-Diming of Gun Owners in California

Make no mistake: California’s politicians are rabidly anti-Second Amendment. They will attempt any and every gun control policy on law-abiding Americans no matter how absurd or unconstitutional. California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom set the stages for a national political run at some point by launching a dead-end effort to adopt a new Constitutional Amendment to do away with the … Read more

Bonta-flation: Cali AG Wants to Jack Up Ammo “Background” Check Fee from $1 to $5

Give an inch, and they’ll take a mile. A slippery slope. Death by a thousand cuts. By whatever name you call it, Democrats in California have mastered the art of chipping away at constitutional rights. That’s what’s taking place right now in the Golden State where last week, Attorney General Rob Bonta announced the state … Read more

Anti-Gun Group Wins Ruling Against ATF Ghost Gun “Loophole”

The anti-gun group Giffords, founded by former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, following her recovery from being shot by a deranged gunman in Tucson, Arizona, in 2011, has won a court victory against what her organization sees as a loophole in the ATF’s ghost gun rules that allowed AR ghost gun parts to be treated differently than … Read more

Microstamping: Adventures in the Legislative Gun Control Multiverse

From the NRA-ILA . . . Gun control legislators often appear to inhabit an alternative universe, one with its own laws of time, science, logic, and common sense. Take, for example, the dogged and delusional adherence to the “science” of firearm microstamping. The idea behind microstamping is that it would combat crime by providing identifying … Read more

Welcome to the Club: Car Makers Getting the Same Treatment Gun Makers are Used To

The same antigun politicians who want to sue members of the firearm industry for crimes they didn’t commit are now trying to blame automakers when the cars they make are stolen. Welcome to bizarro-land, where commonsense and logic don’t apply. In the inverted world these politicians concoct, criminals aren’t responsible for their crimes. Gun makers … Read more

California Taxpayer Dollars Are Used to Racially Profile Gun Owners, Guide Government ‘Interventions’

From the NRA-ILA . . . California gun owners have been under siege for the past year – even by the not-so-Golden State’s standards. In September 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom (D) signed AB-173, which allows for the disclosure of highly sensitive information, including a gun owner’s name, address, place of birth, phone number, occupation, driver’s license or … Read more

FPC Wins Lawsuit Against California Department of Justice Over its Illegal Gun Sales Delays

From the Firearms Policy Coalition Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced a victory in its Campos v. Bonta lawsuit, which challenged policies and practices of California Attorney General Rob Bonta and his Department of Justice (DOJ) Bureau of Firearms that delayed firearm transactions beyond the statutory 10-day waiting period absent a legal basis. The order can be viewed … Read more

Intimidation: California AG Posted the Names, Personal Info of Carry Permit Holders After Bruen Ruling

By Lee Williams On Monday, California Attorney General Rob Bonta posted the names and addresses of concealed-carry permit holders on a California Department of Justice website. At least for a time. In a press release, Bonta claimed the move was to “improve transparency and information sharing for firearms-related data and includes broad enhancements to the … Read more