Guns for Beginners: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know About Armed Self-Defense

By Rob Morse The news right now is enough to frighten anyone. I’m hearing Pro-Palestinian protesters say they wanted to kill Jews. I expected that from extremists overseas but I didn’t expect to hear it here in the US. I take those threats seriously. I hope you do too. I’m hearing a lot of people … Read more

Why Aren’t the Killers in City Hall Ever Arrested, Charged, and Prosecuted?

By Rob Morse Suppose a criminal commits a crime a gun. Go a step further and suppose he does something truly awful and shoots several people in the process. If you’re an anti-gun politician, the obvious conclusion is it’s now time to disarm your gun-owning neighbors. Do elected anti-gun zealots care that implementing their bigoted … Read more

Self Defense Stories: A Week of Everyday Heroes

By Rob Morse I write about armed self-defense every week. We record these news stories and the discussion of them on the Self-Defense Gun Stories podcast. This week’s were amazing in that they went from the typical to some that sound like scenes from an action movie. The common theme across all of them is … Read more

The (Too Often) Untold Story: Armed Self-Defense and the Lives Saved Every Year by Gun Owners

By Rob Morse Lots of us own guns. Many of us carry those guns legally in public. That’s critically important because concealed carriers save a lot of lives. You knew most of that already, but there are a few you don’t hear about as often and they bear repeating. Every day there are over 17 … Read more