wxyz.com reports that police arrested Motown motorist and car wash owner Robert Keathley for an invalid concealed carry weapons permit (CCW). “I said, you know, I have a CCW, and I have my weapon on me. Showed the permit. And he had me unlock the passenger door so his partner could take it off my hip.” They checked the permit, ran it through the computer and arrested Mr. Keathley. Only problem was, it wasn’t invalid. I mean, it was. Valid. Said so right on the card: valid from December, 9 2009 to September 2014. So what’s the beef? The fact that Keathley’s black? Hardly (and you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking it). It took an investigation by WXYZ reporter Heather Catallo to nail the culprit. “David Springsteen is the Clerk’s Deputy Chief of Staff,” Heather reveals. “And he’s in charge of all of the concealed gun licenses for the county.” So what’s the boss got to say about Mr. Keathley’s false imprisonment? “We would appreciate it if Mr. Keathley would accept our deepest apologies and refrain from legal action.” I kid. I think. A bit. Anyway, over-burdened taxpayers are advised to look away now.