Gun Review: Ruger PC Charger 9mm Pistol

Ruger was kind enough to send me their new PC Charger before the public announcement and it’s been hard to keep quiet about it. Finally, though, I can write about it, talk about it, and share my thoughts on this interesting new firearm. The Ruger PC Carbine has been quite a successful rifle. Ruger was … Read more

Ruger Adds Two 22 Charger Pistol Models With Rear Pic Rail Brace Mounts

Ruger reintroduced their cool 22 Charger pistols back in 2015, giving the accurate little guns AR grips and adding a takedown version for easy portability. Now, Ruger’s adding a couple of models with rear Pic rails so you can attach a pistol brace. That’s a feature a few aftermarket suppliers have offered, but now you … Read more