Gun Review: Ruger Super Wrangler Single Action .22 Revolver

We don’t know how many Wrangler revolvers Ruger’s made and sold since they announced it back in 2019, but it’s probably enough to fill the holsters of everyone who’s ever acted in a cowboy movie. Ruger’s take on a .22LR version of their venerable Single Six priced at less than two bills, depending on barrel … Read more

Ruger’s New Super Wrangler Single Action Revolver Ships With .22 LR and .22 WMR Cylinders

From Ruger . . . Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. is pleased to introduce the Super Wrangler family of single-action revolvers. Building on the success of the affordably-priced Wrangler line introduced in 2019, the Super Wrangler features a robust steel cylinder frame and ships with two cylinders, allowing you to convert between inexpensive .22 LR ammunition … Read more

Gun Review: Ruger Wrangler Single-Action .22LR Revolver

The legend of the Wild West still lives in the heart of every American. It’s our heritage and our birthright. Ruger knows that the spirit of the West belongs to each and every one of us and has released a new gun that has all the ruggedness of an old cowboy, but at a price … Read more

Dueling Ruger New Model Blackhawks

This year I’m trying my hand at cowboy action shooting. Cowboy action shooting is at least a four gun sport; two revolvers, a shotgun, and a pistol caliber carbine. This makes the initial price of entry into the sport quite steep, especially if you intend to be competitive. A full compliment of slicked-up guns, gear, … Read more