What I’m Carrying Now: A Ruger SP101 and a Gerber Air Ranger

TH from Iowa writes . . . I’m carrying a Ruger SP101 3-inch .357 Magnum loaded with PDX1 Defender .38 +p. I carry Federal 158 grain .357 soft point in a Tuff speed strip. The gun rides in a Simply Rugged IWB pancake holster. I also carry a Streamlight Stylus Pro flashlight and a Gerber … Read more

Here’s Ruger’s New Blued Alloy Steel SP101 .357 Revolver

We’ve been long-time fans of Ruger’s SP101 revolver. Read our review here. It’s everything a packable .357 should be. Now, apparently since it’s #WheelGunWednesday, Ruger’s announced a new addition to the line, a blued alloy steel SP101 with a 2.25-inch barrel. We think she’s a beauty. Here’s Ruger’s press release: Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. … Read more

The SIG P365 Meets All Four Criteria for Pocket Pistol Perfection

By George Oliveira Pocket carry is a great alternative when belt-borne holsters aren’t an option. It can be very fast on the draw. Standing around with your hands casually in your pockets is and looks quite natural. Doing so allows you to have a full grip on your pocket pistol and the draw is lightening-quick … Read more

Gun Review: Ruger SP101 3″

I’m scripting a ’50’s style instructional video for shooters who’ve never fired/owned a gun. Think Handguns for Dummies without the copyright infringement. I’m trying to choose one gun to unite them all. While there’s a Smith & Wesson waiting in the wings for its shot at TTAG immortality, I’m currently evaluating the Ruger SP101 3″ Is it the perfect first gun for brand new shooters? Not quite. On the way to revealing the SP101’s drawbacks, here’s my selection criteria . . .

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Why You Need a Revolver for Self-Defense

Jean Paul Sartre must have been fun at parties. But then who isn’t? I’ve been known to regale guests at swanky soirees with stories of home invasions, armed robberies, police shootings gone bad and concealed carry killers. During these ballistic BS sessions, I get a large number of “you’ve got pin lice on your eyebrows” looks. I’ve taken to calling my antagonists I-NOGs. “I would never own a gun,” they tell me, as if that settles the matter. For both them and me. Which is how Rhode Island got to be a “never-issue” states.  I digress . . .

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