Gear Review: Ruger Ready Dot RedDot Sight

The Ruger ReadyDot may have been one of the more controversial releases at NRAAM. Ruger releasing a red dot isn’t terribly unusual. They’ve made the Max-9 and Security-380 MAX pistol optics-ready, so why not provide the pistol and an optic? Red dots on handguns have become a standard, and they offer shooters a sighting solution … Read more

Suppressor-Optimized Ruger Mark IV Silencer Shop Host (SSH) Hits the Market

We love dedicated suppressor hosts! For the last couple years, chopping down the barrel length on Ruger Mark series .22 LR pistols short enough that the addition of a silencer brings it back to “normal” length has become increasingly popular. That has all been done aftermarket, though, at great expense and complication. No more! Enter … Read more

Gun Review: Ruger LCP MAX .380 Pistol

Gun makers keep setting the bar higher and higher for new product development. Everyone wants a small and light carry gun, with a good trigger, good sights and decent capacity. And if it shoots well and comfortably on top of that, that’s just a bonus, right? Sound familiar? I wrote most of the above about … Read more

Gun Review: Ruger LCP MAX 10+1 Round Pocket .380

If you know you’re headed for a gunfight, you bring a rifle. For daily concealed carry, though, we all compromise by carrying a gun that’s small enough to conceal without being too cumbersome or too uncomfortable. For me that’s usually a micro-compact 9mm carried IWB, but for the past week I’ve had the new Ruger … Read more

The Guns of the Highway Patrol: A Three-Way Six-Incher Showdown:

There was once a time when your average Highway Patrolman anywhere in the U.S. carried a six shooter, but not just any six shooter. Oh no, they carried six-inch blasters chambered in the mythical cartridge known as the .357 Magnum. Yes boys and girls, there was once a time when the cops tasked with patrolling … Read more

Retro Gun Review: Ruger’s P90DC in .45 ACP

Sturm, Ruger & Co. is a name that’s synonymous with affordable American made firearms. Know something else that’s synonymous with America? John Moses Browning’s .45 ACP cartridge. While the Wonder Nine era was cruising right along, there was still a demand for a DA/SA .45 ACP pistol by cops all across the country. Smith & … Read more

Is The Revolver Dead? Is That a Trick Question?

That was the question asked back in 1989. The Era of the Wondernine was upon us. Higher capacity 9mm semi-autos that held 15 or  17 rounds was becoming the new standard. Technological wonders from Smith & Wesson, Ruger, GLOCK, SIG SAUER, HK, Beretta, and others were hitting store shelves and could been seen in police … Read more

Remington’s Ilion Plant Will Return to Production March 1st

Good news for Remington firearms. The company has made firearms for over two centuries and will resume production on March 1st. The Roundhill Group has secured a federal firearms license and has plans to re-start production next month at the Illion, New York facility. The local CBS TV station WKTV has the news. Roundhill group, … Read more

Gun Comparison: Ruger LC9 vs. LC9s

Since its announcement at 2011’s SHOT Show, the Ruger LC9 concealed-carry sidearm has generated unending complaints about its onerous, long trigger pull. At the end of July, 2014, the company released a striker-fired version of the LC9 chambered for 9mm Luger ammo, called the LC9s, with the primary selling point being a shorter, lighter, crisper, and in all other ways better trigger. Thanks to a great FFL in my area, Best Buy Surplus, who suggested I borrow one of each self-defense model from their stock, I’m able to provide the following side-by-side comparison of these CCW handguns . . .

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