TTAG Irresponsible Owner of the Day (Russian Edition)

Barbara Bach. She's not really Russian. But it's Friday. Who cares?

Inexperienced shooter. Semi-automatic pistol. Lack of attentive instruction. What could go wrong? Well, let’s see. Aleksandra Voronkova, 33 and her boyfriend like to shoot at the Khishchnik Club and decided to invite friends from work to come out and shoot. Sounds okay, right? But said friends, or at least one of them, had no background in shooting. The new shooters received what appears to be a perfunctory safety briefing but no specific instruction on the particular weapon they were shooting. Whoops.

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Which Gun Should I Buy: AR-15 or AK-47?

I’m in the market for a carbine. Don’t need it. I’ve got a perfectly serviceable Remington 870 Wingmaster shotgun in .12 gauge that handles the home defense chores just fine, thank you. I’m the proud owner of a 1911 semi-auto .45 ACP that shoots just dandy. I’ve got access to my dad’s .38 special wheel-gun, should the mood strike me. And yet I’d like to own a carbine. Maybe do some plinking. Target practice. Whatever. When I set my sights on something, I do my homework. I want to know the pros and cons of a given model. In my initial research, two weapons have jumped to the fore: the AR-15 and the AK-47. Once I narrowed my choice down to these two models, my research veered sharply into the realm of the kind of religious zealotry normally reserved for discussing Macs versus PCs. Or Jesus vs. Allah.

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