The Scariest Part of a Supreme Court with a Justice Barrett is the Threat to Gun Control

Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agitprop generation outlet, The Trace, is frightfully concerned about the prospect of Judge Amy Coney Barrett taking what they refer to as Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the high court. Their biggest worry is that a Justice Barrett would adhere too closely to the text, history and tradition of the Constitution for … Read more

Hints of Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Stance on Gun Rights Look Promising

Following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday, President Trump promised a crowd over the weekend that he’d be nominating a woman for the open seat. This morning, the Wall Street Journal reports that Trump will announce his nominee on Friday or Saturday. Mr. Trump maintained that the replacement of Justice Ruth Bader … Read more

BREAKING: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead at the Age of 87

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg came in for no small amount of criticism for failing to retire during Barack Obama’s time in the White House. But she was apparently so sure that Hillary Clinton was going to win the presidency in 2016, she had no real concern about a Republican naming her replacement on … Read more

The Second Amendment Is So Eighteenth Century

“The Second Amendment has a preamble about the need for a militia. Historically, the new government had no money to pay for an army, so they relied on the state militias. The states required men to have certain weapons and they specified in the law what weapons these people had to keep in their home … Read more