New House Bill Would Give Gun Owners Real Safe Passage Protection When Traveling With Firearms

Last year, I wrote about a serious weakness in the “safe passage” provision in the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986, which allowed states like New York to arrest innocent traveling gun owners for the mistake of stopping in the state for any reason with a legally owned firearm in their vehicle. Days later, Senator … Read more

Daines’ SB 3139 Would Finally Fix the Firearms Owners Protection Act

Senator Steve Daines of Montana, along with co-sponsors Senators James Lankford, Mike Rounds, Mike Crapo, and Ted Cruz, have introduced Senate Bill 3139: Lawful Interstate Transportation of Firearms Act. The bill would “amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to more comprehensively address the interstate transportation of firearms or ammunition.” This bill addresses … Read more

Firearm Owners Protection Act Is More Than 33 Years Old And . . .

FOPA is still not getting us what we traded away new machine guns for. Delivery driver’s gun confiscated; group says his rights were violated Mr. Felano said a Kentucky delivery driver was making his way to Fort Drum to deliver telephone poles. At the Gas Alley Gate entrance, the driver told military police of a … Read more