Trading Shears for Shots, Barber Cuts Loose on Bandit in Self-Defense

A man strode into a San Antonio barbershop looking for more than just a little off the sides and began waving a gun and demanding wallets and purses from the patrons in the establishment. When one of the barbers, a 26-year-old man who was part owner of the business, didn’t comply quickly enough, the bandit began pistol … Read more

San Antonio Shooting Highlights Texas Property Defense Laws

A San Antonio homeowner, Johnathon Vasquez, 32, faces charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after allegedly shooting a woman on his property Saturday morning. The case, reported by Fox San Antonio, has sparked a debate among locals about the rights of property owners to defend themselves and their homes under Texas law. According to … Read more

Gun Beats Vehicle as Armed Citizen Stops Attacker from Running People Over

While police have shown time and again skill at successfully using a 5,000-pound bullet (aka police cruiser) to stop a threat, the threats themselves seem to be having trouble executing the same stunt with their vehicles on their intended victims. Recently, in Ohio, an armed citizen prevented a man behind the wheel of a car from running over him … Read more

A Friend with Weed A Friend Indeed? Not This Time

Most stoners are generally fairly chill people, whether they are smoking weed legally sold in their state (it’s stilll illegal federally) or not, but when a group of would-be robbers bum-rushed a San Antonio cannabis dispensary in the wee hours of Saturday morning, they found the employee working the shop to be packing more than … Read more