San Francisco Business Owner Patrols the Streets With a Fake Gun to Fight Crime [VIDEO]

This is what happens to a disarmed populace. San Francisco is quickly becoming the new Detroit. Speeding it along on that path to glory is a city council with politics to the left of Venzuela’s, an overwhelmed, under-manned (by design) police force, and a revolving door criminal justice system. But over 800,000 people live in … Read more

Nine Shot in San Francisco As Gavin Newsom Tries to Export California’s Gun Control Laws

Gavin Newsom’s California is home to the most radical gun control measures of any state in America. It also wears crown for having the most shooting sprees. Correlation isn’t causation, but could the two be linked? Maybe all those gun control laws only serve to disarm the law-abiding while leaving the criminals free and emboldened … Read more

Inciting Robbery: San Francisco Bill Would Prohibit Security Guards Intimidating Thieves by Drawing Their Guns

Comedian Dave Chappelle visited San Francisco last week to perform. “What the f—k happened to this place?” he asked, declaring that the whole city has morphed into its infamous Tenderloin district. “Y’all … need a Batman!” It’s no joke. Crime statistics posted by the San Francisco Police Department show that both property and violent crimes are on … Read more

Defining Deviancy Down: Being Victimized by Criminals is Now a ‘Basic City Life Experience’

Most Americans understand that our country has had a problem with a surge in crime over the last couple of years. In response, there has been a surge in gun purchases, and millions of law-abiding citizens have become first-time gun owners, as they understand that one of the most effective tools to better ensure their safety, … Read more

Of Course: San Francisco Will Pay Multiple Offenders $300 Per Month to Stop Shooting People

It’s called the Dream Keeper Fellowship, and is borne from SFPD data showing that more than half of all San Francisco gun killings involve the same 12 criminal groups and gangs. The idea is to target those at high risk of being on either end of a shooting with a $300 monthly payment. Subjects could then … Read more

San Francisco DA Sues 3 ‘Ghost Gun’ Makers to Deflect Criticism About High Crime, Lenient Policies

San Francisco’s district attorney said Wednesday he is suing three California companies that make and distribute “ghost guns,” the untraceable, build-it-yourself weaponry that accounted for nearly half the firearms recovered in gun killings in the city last year. District Attorney Chesa Boudin announced the lawsuit at a news conference, alongside advocates of tougher gun laws. … Read more