San Francisco’s Assault on Law Enforcement Forces More Than 100 Families to Hire Private Security

Policing and law enforcement have been under attack for the last year and a half. Calls to “defund the police” are becoming a reality and the average citizen is ultimately paying the price. Insert San Francisco, one of the epicenters of the “defund the police” movement. Not only are more officers retiring or resigning, meaning … Read more

San Francisco DA Sues 3 ‘Ghost Gun’ Makers to Deflect Criticism About High Crime, Lenient Policies

San Francisco’s district attorney said Wednesday he is suing three California companies that make and distribute “ghost guns,” the untraceable, build-it-yourself weaponry that accounted for nearly half the firearms recovered in gun killings in the city last year. District Attorney Chesa Boudin announced the lawsuit at a news conference, alongside advocates of tougher gun laws. … Read more