San Francisco Business Owner Patrols the Streets With a Fake Gun to Fight Crime [VIDEO]

This is what happens to a disarmed populace. San Francisco is quickly becoming the new Detroit. Speeding it along on that path to glory is a city council with politics to the left of Venzuela’s, an overwhelmed, under-manned (by design) police force, and a revolving door criminal justice system. But over 800,000 people live in … Read more

Kate Steinle: Murdered or Killed by Negligent Discharge?

On 2015, Kate Steinle was shot and killed by illegal immigrant (a.k.a. undocumented American) Jose Ines Garcia Zarate. A national outcry ensued. Mr. Zarate is currently on trial for Ms Steinle’s murder. Yesterday, his lawyers argued that her death was the result of a negligent discharge, rather than premeditated murder. And not without reason. A … Read more

Taser to SF: We’ll Be Here When You Figure It Out

Yesterday, the San Francisco Police Commission rejected the Chief’s request to arm his force with Tasers. The Commission was worried about the lethality of the world’s most famous non-lethal weapon. While ambulance chasers lawyers have shadowed Taser International since the company began, the company has fended them off. Aside from a loss in Arizona back in ’08—where the judge ruled that Taser was 15 percent responsible for a civilian’s death—Taser has prevailed in court. In fact, the company recently “celebrated” the 100th failed attempt to tag them with a wrongful death lawsuit. After The City by the Bay decided to keep Tasers out of law enforcement’s arsenal, I contacted the company for a statement. And a statement I received, courtesy Steve Tuttle, Vice President of Communications:

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