San Jose’s Gun Owner Insurance Mandate Was Nothing More Than Political Theater

San Jose’s gun liability insurance requirement — the first-of-its-kind in America and upheld by a federal court judge last week — will make the city safer from the firearm-related violence that has wreaked havoc across the nation, its proponents assert. But nearly eight months after the ordinance went into effect on Jan. 1, not a single resident has been … Read more

‘The Trace’ (Yes, ‘The Trace’) Reveals the Lie Behind San Jose’s New Gun Owner Liability Insurance Law

[Sam] Liccardo, the mayor, has said that safe gun behavior will determine insurance rates and lead to discounts. He told Slate last month: “When you notify the insurance company, the insurance company can start to ask questions like, ‘Do you have a gun safe? Do you have a trigger lock? Have you taken gun safety classes?’ And those … Read more

San Jose’s New Gun Owner Tax is Misplaced, Ineffective, and Unserious

6. Unconstitutional Tax San Jose refers to the new fee imposed on gun owners as a “Gun Harm Reduction Fee,” but it’s nothing less than an unconstitutional tax on the exercise of an enumerated right. The Supreme Court has struck down similar laws, reasoning that “a state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of … Read more

San Jose’s New Gun Fee and Insurance Mandate Sound ‘Like Pre-World War II Poland’

From Gun Owners of California . . . Sam Paredes, Gun Owners of California’s Executive Director made the following statement on the City of San Jose’s mandate for gun owners to carry liability insurance and pay a fee to cover taxpayers’ costs associated with gun violence. “There are so many things wrong with this that … Read more

San Jose Slaps Gun Owners With New Burdens After Mayor Admits to Targeting the Law-Abiding

The San Jose City Council voted unanimously last night to require gun owners to hold firearm insurance and pay an annual gun ownership fee. The California city is the first in the nation with such a law. According to Mayor Sam Liccardo, gun insurance would be a way for shooting victims to be compensated and … Read more

San Jose Mayor: Citizens Don’t Need Guns in an Emergency. Crooks: Thanks, Your Honor!

The Chinese coronavirus outbreak and shutdown have revealed a lot of anti-gun autocrats for exactly who they are. New Jersey’s Governor Phil Murphy practically jumped out of his shoes at the chance to stop his state’s citizens from buying firearms. Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva wasted no time in sending deputies around from store … Read more

Ammopocalypse Now! and Other COVID19-Induced Hysteria [VIDEO]

This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at FPC.  Pandemic sales surge ravages the ammo market Crises — real ones — remind us that the world is not a … Read more

San Jose Mayor Orders Gun Shop Closed as ‘Non-essential’

During a national emergency with unprecedented demand for guns nationwide, San Jose’s Mayor — someone who wanted to require gun owners to buy liability insurance — has decided that no one really needs to buy a firearm. …[A]fter customers lined up around gun stores in several counties Tuesday — including outside the Bullseye Bishop in … Read more