Remington Offers $33 Million Settlement to Families of Sandy Hook Shooting Victims

After a deranged 20-y/o murdered his own mother and stole her Bushmaster (a brand owned by Remington) rifle, he used it to attack Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut in December, 2012, tragically killing 20 students and six adults. About 18 months later, a lawsuit was filed against Remington seeking damages for the victims’ … Read more

Why the Remington Case Cert Denial Matters More Than You Think

I have noticed a disturbing trend in the Supreme Court, considering that many people believe it to be a majority-conservative court with the appointments of Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. The Supreme Court unanimously rejected an appeal for a temporary stay of enforcement of the bump-stock-type device ban. That means Trump’s we’re sure they’ll be pro-2A … Read more

Connecticut Supreme Court Rules Nuisance Lawsuit Against Gun Makers May Continue

The Connecticut Supreme Court today over-ruled an appeals court, allowing a nuisance lawsuit against gun makers to go forward.  The suit claims gun makers had some responsibility for the Sandy Hook school massacre, and accordingly, should pay big bucks to the plaintiffs. Previously, a Connecticut appeals court ruled that the suit, employing a “novel strategy” … Read more

Vox: 1,917 Mass Shootings in America Since 2012 Sandy Hook Shooting

The home page is shrouded in ominous shades of pitch black and an odd carnelian red more reminiscent of dirty oranges than the crimson red one would expect. Their opening salvo looms large when you open the page: After Sandy Hook we said never again. And then we let 1,917 mass shootings happen. From … Read more

Fraser: Children Aren’t Safe from Mass Murder Anywhere in America

December 14 is the sixth anniversary of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School; this slaughter of six year olds was the event that a mourning nation hoped/believed would be the path towards a conversation on sensible gun reform, not the repeal of the 2nd Amendment but a rational discussion on background checks, high capacity … Read more

Sandy Hook Parents’ Law Suit Hinges on ‘Negligent Entrustment’ Argument

Anti-gun forces have long tried and failed to attack gun makers the way class action attorneys went after the tobacco companies. By suing them into submission, forcing them to change or end most of their marketing efforts and wringing billions of dollars out of them to compensate states for the damage done by their products … Read more

Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre: The Mainstream Media Cover-Up Continues

To quote the man whose name has become synonymous with cover-ups, let me make one thing perfectly clear: Adam Lanza acted alone when he shot and killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The Newtown massacre was not a “false flag” operation; no outside person or agency colluded in the killing. … Read more

Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: Indy Mom Takes Action, a Dawning Media Horror and a Sandy Hook Denier is Sentenced

Moms demand the ability to take action . . . IMPD: Mother kills intruder trying to break into apartment on Indy’s east side – “The shooting occurred around 1:10 p.m. in the 2800 block of White Knight Boulevard near East 30th Street and Mitthoeffer Road. Police say the mother heard someone breaking into her apartment. That woman … Read more

Daily Digest: Obama’s Gun Control Legacy, a Bankruptcy of Ideas, and a New York Catch-22

4 Years After Sandy Hook, Obama Leaves a Legacy of Little Progress on Gun Laws – “Four years ago today, the president had what must have been one of the more gut-wrenching moments of his presidency. Speaking just hours after 20 children and six educators were killed in Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, … Read more