Tragedy at Apalachee High School: A Call for Real Solutions Beyond Politics

Yet another tragic school shooting has claimed innocent lives, this time at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia. Four people—two teachers and two students—were killed, and nine others were injured when a 14-year-old student opened fire on campus. The attack, carried out with an AR-style firearm has again shocked and saddened the nation and as … Read more

Gun Violence Archive Logs ‘Non-Violent’ Incidents as ‘Gun Violence’

The Gun Violence Archive stands as the favorite go-to resource for anti-gun reporters and politicians to draw on statistics about violence committed with firearms.  However, the truth must not be sensational enough for them. So what does the GVA do to whip up emotions?  By their own reporting, they’re including very “non-violent” incidents as “Gun … Read more

Today’s Gun Control Isn’t Normal, And We Shouldn’t Pretend That It Is

One very troublesome aspect of human psychology is normalcy bias, our hesitance to believe that the way things are right now is how they’ll always be, and how they always were. In many ways, that’s how it is with gun control. It’s easy to think that just because something has been a certain way your … Read more

Does ‘Hardening’ Schools Make Them Safer?

By Elizabeth K. Anthony, Arizona State University The first real possibility for federal firearms legislation in decades has been sketched out by a bipartisan group of senators. It comes in the wake of the May 23, 2022, school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, in which an 18-year-old gunman killed 19 children and two teachers before himself … Read more

Norton: I’m Homeschooling My Kid Until the Government Buys Back The Guns That Are Out There

“To just send my child to school day after day and just cross my fingers day after day?” said Tracy L.M. Norton, who lives in East Islip, New York. “That’s no way to live.” Norton is among parents making changes that include switching to homeschooling, buying bulletproof backpacks and checking if there are guns in … Read more

NPR Conflates Mass Shootings With School Shootings to Wildly Overstate the Problem

Some say the folks at NPR quit doing real news back in the Jimmy Carter era. Others say it happened some time during the Ronald Reagan era. Either way, NPR’s coverage of the Uvalde school shooting has done nothing to rehabilitate its growing reputation as a purveyor of politically slanted fake news. The AR-15 is … Read more

Murphy: Good Guys With Guns Stopping Mass Shootings Is Politically Inconvenient

Sometimes, even the experience of being shot is not enough to change a person’s mind about guns. I asked Murphy whether he’s spoken with people like his old House colleague Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the Republican minority whip who was wounded in the 2017 congressional-baseball shooting. “What’s discouraging about the baseball shooting is that it … Read more

Joe Biden Gets It Wrong Again: School Shootings Don’t Happen in Home Schools With Guns

Poor Joe Biden. Like a broken clock, he’s seldom right and even then it mostly a coincidence. He recently tweeted about the lack of school shootings in March. The apparent Democrat nominee for the 2020 presidential race credited the CCP coronavirus for putting a stop to school shootings. “It shouldn’t take a global pandemic shutting … Read more

Secret Service Finds School Shootings are Preventable, Shooters Show Warning Signs in Advance

File this under least surprising news of the day. The US Secret Service has studied school shooters and found that — shockingly — almost none of them “just snapped.” To the contrary, virtually every one of them exhibited warning signs and, as such, the murders they committed could have been prevented. Probably the most egregious … Read more