Gear Review: Riton 5 Tactix 1-6×24 Thunder Ranch Rifle Scope

Despite being a red dot/fixed prism scope kind of guy, I’ve found myself drifting towards low powered variable optics (LPVO’s) in recent years. I could blame my aging eyes, but really it’s a begrudging admission that there’s a lot of versatility in these optics. It’s the same thing with Riton optics. While I have my … Read more

Scope Review: Kahles K624i 6-24×56 Rifle Scope

For those unfamiliar with the brand, Kahles is an Austrian optics maker that has been in the business since the 19th century. It’s now a sister company of Swarovski, another maker of high quality optics and rifle scopes. The Kahles K624i 6-24×56 rifle scope is intended for reaching out and touching targets at long ranges, … Read more