Jury Selection Under Way in the Trial of ‘Broward Coward’ Scot Peterson for Inaction During the Parkland School Shooting

By Terry Spencer, AP Jury selection in the groundbreaking trial of a former sheriff’s deputy charged with failing to confront the killer of 14 students and three staff members at a Florida high school five years ago got off to a speedy start Wednesday, with the preliminary round nearing its conclusion in just a few … Read more

The Truth About Stopping School Shootings in America

By Lee Williams My heart sinks every time I see breaking-news graphics announce another school shooting. It’s like a gut-punch…the lost lives, the suffering of the wounded, the horrors the first responders must encounter, and the families that will never again be whole. The blame and blood-dancing usually start before the bodies are even recovered. … Read more

Broward Coward Scot Peterson: I Did the Best I Could

From the Associated Press . . . The former school resource officer accused of hiding during a South Florida school shooting that left 17 people dead said after a hearing Wednesday that he never would have sat idle if he had known people were being killed. Former Broward County Deputy Scot Peterson, 58, appeared in … Read more

Florida Supreme Court Rules Against Parkland Families, Limits Total Damages to $300,000

An initial lawsuit was filed against the Parkland School district by a group of survivors and families of some of those killed in the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School massacre. That case was dismissed by a federal court judge who ruled that the plaintiffs’ Fourteenth Amendment right to due process had not been violated. Another … Read more

Former Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel Election Fundraiser Tonight

Under the category of people who have no apparent self-awareness or any internal meter that tells them when it’s time to just go away, former Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is running to get his old job back. In fact, he’s holding a fundraiser tonight at a restaurant in Davie, Florida to raise cash from, … Read more

Perjury: Scot Peterson Lied About Hearing Gunshots During Parkland Shooting

Yesterday, disgraced former Broward County deputy Scot Peterson was arrested and charged with seven counts of neglect of a child, three counts of culpable negligence and one count of perjury. The charges resulted from his failure to engage the shooter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last year as 17 people were murdered inside the building … Read more

26 Parkland Shooting Victims Sue School Board, Sheriff…Again

As anyone who has followed this story for the last 14 months should know, the Parkland shooting was a failure of biblical proportions. A failure on the part of school administration, a failure on the part of local law enforcement in the years before the shooting, and an even worse failure by the Broward County … Read more

BREAKING: Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel Tells Staff He’s Being Canned

It’s been evident since about two days after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that the clown show that was run by Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel’s band of incompetents not only failed in the run-up to the shooting but badly bungled the response, costing the lives of students and teachers in the … Read more

Sun Sentinel: Parkland Police, Officials Were ‘Unprepared and Overwhelmed’

I’d like to preface this accounting of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High failures on Valentine’s Day 2018 with this reminder: no one is coming to save you; you are on your own. The South Florida Sun Sentinel has compiled a comprehensive and disturbing timeline of what happened — and didn’t happen — that day in Parkland. … Read more