Winkler: The Supreme Court Thinks America Has Too Many Gun Control Laws

“This [New York State Rifle & Pistol] case signaled not only the court’s growing hostility to restrictions on concealed carry—the subject matter of today’s case—but reflects the view of some justices that there are too many gun control laws and that we need to start striking gun control laws down,” UCLA law professor Adam Winkler … Read more

The Framers Knew the Risks of Keeping and Bearing Arms are Far Outweighed by the Benefits

Gun rights advocates argue their constitutional rights are being infringed. Erik Jaffe, an attorney for Schaerr Jaffe who represents the Firearms Policy Coalition, which submitted a brief in this case, said people treat Second Amendment rights differently because they are afraid of guns.  “Let’s ask the question, are they being consistent in how they apply constitutional principles … Read more