We Can’t Stop Crime, So We’ll Go After Glock: New Jersey, Minnesota AGs Sue Manufacturer

In a controversial move, the attorneys general of New Jersey and Minnesota filed lawsuits on December 12 against Glock, accusing the gun manufacturer of knowingly producing pistols that can be easily modified into illegal machine guns using inexpensive conversion devices known as “Glock switches.” We’ve all seen this movie before! The lawsuits claim these switches, … Read more

Gear Review: Apex Tactical 45 M&P Hard Sear

Nothing pisses me off more than getting a new pistol shipped from the factory with a crappy trigger. To wit, my new S&W M&P45c. I picked this gun up because the Sheriff’s Office I work for mandates we carry a .40 or .45. Unfortunately, when I moved back to Montana, I only had 9’s, 10’s and 357’s. The M&P fits me perfectly and fills a dual niche of duty carry and concealed carry.  It sports graceful good looks that make my Glocks envious, all in a nice “man-sized” caliber (as my sergeant would call it.) Despite everything I like about this gun, the stock trigger was gritty, came with an advertised 7 lb. pull weight and had no noticeable reset. Obviously this would never do.

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