Concealed Carry: Revolvers I Depend On

Many years ago, I pounded my arches flat, walking a beat. I didn’t feel under gunned with a Smith & Wesson .38 on the belt and six extra rounds in a carrier. The revolver is demonstrably robust and reliable. It is simple to maintain and operate. I carried a revolver on my own time even … Read more

The Logical Fallacy Of Safe Storage Laws

A year after Michigan lawmakers passed a safe storage law to prevent minors from coming in contact with unattended firearms, the measure has been used in 36 cases across the state, with charges having been filed against parents, grandparents, cousins, and, in one case, a babysitter. But an interesting pattern has emerged, an elephant in … Read more

Missouri Second Amendment Bills Expose Absurdity Of The Left

Missouri Senate Bill 74 and Senate Bill 147, currently being considered in committee, are kicking up a storm with Democrats as the measures threaten to repeal restrictions on carrying and using a firearm in a self-defense scenario. Specifically, SB 74 would prohibit cities and counties in the state from imposing open-carry limitations, while SB 147 … Read more

Top 5 Self-Defense Myths

Voltaire said it best when he claimed, “Common sense is not so common.” That quote is quite evident when it comes to certain self-defense myths. Just because something may sound like a good idea doesn’t mean it is. Here are five common self-defense myths, why they are not recommended, and what you should do instead.  … Read more

Trading Shears for Shots, Barber Cuts Loose on Bandit in Self-Defense

A man strode into a San Antonio barbershop looking for more than just a little off the sides and began waving a gun and demanding wallets and purses from the patrons in the establishment. When one of the barbers, a 26-year-old man who was part owner of the business, didn’t comply quickly enough, the bandit began pistol … Read more

Robbers Attempt Garbage Truck Stick-Up, Get Trashed and Bagged in Process

As if things weren’t already screwed up enough in the Windy City, gang banger crooks are apparently so hard up for a target to inflict violence and theft upon they are now trying to rob, of all things, a garbage truck? WTF? In proof criminals really are THAT dumb, early morning bandits approached a garbage … Read more

N.C. DoorDash Incident Serves as Warning to Gunowners About Limits of Self-Defense

The recent fatal shooting of a 15-year-old juvenile delinquent allegedly attempting to steal a car in Charlotte, North Carolina, serves as an important reminder to gunowners that self-defense law has very definable limits with extremely serious consequences when violated. The right to use deadly force in most jurisdictions across the country is typically reserved for … Read more

LGBTQ Gun Ownership on the Rise Amid Concerns of Political Unrest

Gun ownership among LGBTQ individuals and left-leaning groups has surged in recent months as fears of targeted violence and political oppression escalated ahead of the 2024 election, according to a report from the Philadelphia Inquirer and also covered by the New York Post. And with the pending inauguration of Donald Trump’s second term, those numbers continue to climb among … Read more

Ohio Homeowner Fatally Shoots Intruder

An attempted burglary in Englewood, Ohio, turned deadly early Friday morning when a homeowner shot and killed the alleged intruder. The incident occurred at a residence around 2 a.m., and authorities are now investigating what they say appears to be a clear case of self-defense. According to WDTN, the homeowner’s girlfriend called 911 after he … Read more