Florida Driver Refuses Carjacker Then Shoots Him

Today’s feel-good Second Amendment news brings us to the Sunshine State of Florida, where activities are bountiful, from beautiful beaches to golf and nightlife. But if you’re in the mood to do some carjacking, you better think twice. One young man found out the hard way recently when he clearly picked the wrong victim and … Read more

Road Rager Blocks Other Driver, Reaches Inside The Car, And Is Shot Dead [VIDEO]

Someone with anger management problems who reaches inside someone’s car after blocking them on the road is liable to get their ticket punched. That’s exactly happened to a plumber named Scott Mattison last week in a Chicago suburb. Mattison suffered a road rage episode in Streamwood, Illinois. He stopped his truck, and verbally berated another … Read more

POOR VICTIM SELECTION: Armed Robbers Pick the Wrong Church’s Chicken As CCW Shoots Both, One Fatally

Maybe the two armed robbers at a Port Arthur, Texas Church’s Chicken thought the chain’s tasty Wild Berry Cobbler was to die for, as they old expression goes. Instead of buying one, they tried something more unconventional (not to mention illegal); armed robbery. In the end one of them ended up buying it. It all … Read more

Kyle Rittenhouse’s Lawyers Release a Thorough Self-Defense Narrative

Kyle Rittenhouse shot three men last week in Kenosha during the height of the rioting in that city. Now, his new legal team, headed up by John Pierce of Pierce Bainbridge, has released a three-page statement about Rittenhouse’s defensive actions that night. In it, the attorney lays waste to a number of rumors and innuendo … Read more

Reminder: As a Gun Owner, Your Social Media Posts Matter

We’ve all heard the phrase “the internet is forever.” That’s certainly true. Once you put something out there, it’s out there for good. But other things are forever, too, like screenshots and social media histories. In the case of Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old former police cadet currently charged with first degree murder (among other felonies) … Read more

Yoga Instructor Uses Taurus Revolver to Kill 2 of 4 Home Invaders: Defensive Gun Use of the Day

Two robbers entered the bedroom of a well-known yoga instructor Hari Nam Kaur Khalsa (above). Ms. Khalsa’s home and school are located 20 miles north of Santiago, Chile. The robbers were half of a gang of four. Ms. Khalsa, her partner and two students were in the house when the invasion occurred. Khalsa was born … Read more

Personal Defense: You Really Need To Practice One-Handed Shooting, Too

One-handed shooting can often be neglected as part of the regular practice a person does for concealed carry and personal defense. The sentiment you’ll find espoused often when it comes to concealed carry/self-defense pistol/whatever-you-want-to-call-it is “train how you fight,” or something to that effect. In other words, you want to train with your typical carry … Read more

Pregnant Woman Who Shot and Killed Intruder Charged for Illegal Possession

In December of 2017, Dylan Stancoff forced his way into a home in Ft. Smith Arkansas where Krissy Tran lived with her husband. Tran struggled with the attacker, grabbed one of her husband’s guns and shot Stancoff, killing him. She was pregnant at the time and the shooting was eventually ruled to be justified self-defense … Read more