Scientific American: Socialism Stops Gun Deaths

It’s not very scientific and it sure ain’t American. But John Horgan at just up and goes for it in a rant entitled A modest proposal for curbing homicides: Socialism. Well, not at first. At first, the author admits that his previous belief in a cause and effect relationship between gun control and crime control may have been a tad hasty. “The link between homicides and easy access to guns—like the link between real violence and media violence—is tenuous. You can make the cause [sic] for or against a causal relation, depending on what society or time period you examine. Complexities like these lead to complaints that ‘social science’ is an oxymoron.” Hey, you said it. Needless to say, Horgan’s polemic goes downhill from there . . .

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The Massad Ayoob Chronicles, Part I

Massad Ayoob is recognized around the world as an expert in personal defense. He’s been “on the job” with law enforcement since 1972, and has written countless articles, books and courses on self-defense. He’s also been called as an expert witness in hundreds of self-defense cases. I interviewed him by phone this week, on personal defense topics, and asking a number of questions that TTAG readers supplied on the site. What follows is a transcription of the first portion of the interview.

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Quality – SIG SAUER and Kahr Arms

SiG and Kahr

Two more brands to consider: SIG SAUER and Kahr Arms.

Kahr is a relative newcomer to the gun scene. Founded by the son of the man who headed the Unification Church (the “Moonies”), Kahr makes small and medium-sized handguns with steel or polymer frames. They’re all single-stack, striker-fired designs.

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Quality – Springfield XD and Smith & Wesson M & P

XDM and M&P
XDM and M&P

Next up – tracking the reliability of Springfield Armory’s XD/XDM family of pistols, and the Smith & Wesson Military & Police pistols.  Both are designed to compete with Glock, and like the Glock they are both available in full-size, compact and subcompact versions.

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Rules of Engagement, Massad-Style

One of the things that bothers me about armed self defense is what happens after I kill or wound an attacker? What then? Do I get indicted? Get no-billed? Go to jail? Win, but spend the rest of my life paying off an attorney? That leads me to thinking about “if shooting someone opens the door to all these risks, what are the rules that govern what is judged a “good” shoot or a “bad” shoot? Thankfully, I’m not the only one that worries about such things. And even better, there are people out there who know a lot more than I do on the topic, and are willing to share. Enter everybody’s favorite self-defense expert Massad Ayoob.

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30 Days to Conceal Carry, Day 14

So as we cruise into the midpoint of my little 30-day chronicle, it occurs to me that I’ve not talked about guns and dating. There’s actually a reason for that. I don’t get out much. Being a divorced dad, I’ve learned, the hard way, that this dating thing is time-consuming, expensive, and unpredictable at best. Simply put, dating is a bitch. One of the many reasons I never wanted to be single again was the prospect of having to screw my courage to the sticking place and go back to dating again. I’ve got nothing against dating, per se, but the challenge of finding a girl to date is a little more daunting and time-consuming than I enjoy. Between courting, planning, dating, worrying about money, et cetera, it’s not like I need one more thing to act as a barrier within the concept of my social life.


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Get the Lead Out?

Lead. It’s a heavy subject nowadays. (Sorry. Couldn’t resist.) Seriously though, lead is the primary ingredient in ammo. Has been since ammo was invented. But lead poisoning is not just a euphemism for getting shot. It’s also a real, verifiable risk when putting lead out into the environment. So should we Do Something About This, or is it all just another way to try and get rid of guns? The Truth About Lead lies somewhere in the middle…

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Quad Theft: Shoot First and Ask Questions Later

Special to TTAG by Jim Sutherland: I live in Alberta Canada. The region is known as Texas North to the rest of Canada because Alberta likes to run its own show. Rural Albertans also live by a harsher code of justice when it comes to property theft. In short, justice might be dispensed on the spot by property owners. Two examples of frontier justice in Alberta involved quad thefts and a little ensuing gunplay.

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