Illinois Would Face Semi-Auto Ban Under New Senate Bill

UPDATE:  At the bottom of this post. Illinois has a new governor in JB Pritzker. Neither he nor the Democrat super-majority legislature particularly like guns rights or gun owners. Really, they dislike gun owners almost as much as they hate President Donald Trump. So it should surprise exactly no one that a Prairie State Democrat … Read more

Semi-Automatic Weapons Are Under Fire…Again

By Roger J. Katz “It’s like déjà vu all over again.” – Yogi Berra If you asked your fellow Americans to point to one defining moment in our nation’s recent history, many would likely mention the 2001 terrorist attacks. Some Americans might point to Barack Obama being elected as U.S. President. Some might mention the … Read more

Claire McCaskill: Let’s Ban Semi-Autos, Bump Stocks and ‘High Capacity’ Magazines

MCCASKILL: “Well if we elect enough Democrats we’ll get some gun safety stuff done. They won’t let us vote on it, we’ve got 60 votes for a number of measures that would help with gun safety, but McConnell won’t let ’em come to the floor.” JOURNALIST: “Like bump stocks, ARs and high capacity mags…?” MCCASKILL: … Read more