Sen. Chris Murphy: Why Aren’t We Talking About Confiscation as a Way to ‘Deal With’ Ubiquitous Gun Ownership?

There is no way to address the homicide, suicide and mass shooting epidemic in this nation without dealing with this massive explosion of guns in the United States. — Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) March 7, 2023 You tweeted something really provocative, saying that we have to address the massive explosion of guns in order to deal with gun … Read more

Murphy: Florida’s Post-Parkland Bill is the Model for a Senate Gun Control Compromise

Murphy added: “The possibility of success is better than ever before. But I think the consequences of failure for our entire democracy are more significant than ever.”  Florida, a Republican-controlled state, acted swiftly after the murders of 17 students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school in February 2018, passing red flag laws and raising the … Read more

Murphy: By Failing to Pass Gun Control, Congress Has Become Complicit in Mass Shootings

Sen. Chris Murphy argued Wednesday that Congress “has become complicit” in mass shootings across the United States, urging lawmakers to take action on gun reform measures in the wake of the supermarket massacre in Boulder, Colo. “I have just come to the conclusion that Congress has become complicit in these crimes,” Murphy (D-Conn.) told MSNBC. … Read more

Democrats’ Senate Bill Would Create De Facto Federal Gun Registry

The US Senate’s Civilian Disarmament Caucus has just introduced a bill that would, for all intents and purposes, create a national gun registry. They’re just politically savvy enough not to call it that. If approved, the Gun Records Restoration and Preservation Act would repeal the following Tiahrt provisions: End the prohibition on ATF from releasing … Read more

Bill in Congress Would Encourage (Subsidize) Development of ‘Smart Guns’

Lots of movement on the “smart gun” front in recent days. First, he New Jersey legislature sent a bill to the Governor’s desk that would ostensibly repeal the state’s poison pill law that’s been stymying investment and development of so-called smart guns for more than a decade. As reported, The most high-profile bill (A1016/S101) … Read more

Gun Control Advocates Continue to Their Fact-Free Anti-Gun Jihad

By Larry Keane In a recent op-ed in Time Magazine, two of the top gun control activists in the U.S. Congress continued their tired drumbeat for laws that would have no impact on the safety of our communities. U.S. Senators Chris Murphy of Connecticut and Dianne Feinstein of California, both Democrats, once again took the easy path … Read more

Sen. Chris Murphy: Only Killers Will Miss the AR-15 When It’s Banned

Maybe Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut has never heard of the shootings at Virginia Tech, Fort Hood, Charleston, the Washington Navy Yard or Santa Fe High School, just to name a few. Or maybe Senator Murphy is just an ignorant gas bag whose only real goal is to disarm Americans, one type of gun at … Read more

Murphy’s Green Light, Ejection Seat Rifles and Chelsea’s REALLY Angry – TTAG Daily Digest

[reviewadinsert] Dem senator: Congress’s inaction on gun laws is ‘green light for would-be shooters’ This isn’t even close to the dumbest thing Chris Murphy has said about guns . . . Murphy has been a strong advocate for gun laws, particularly since the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 took place in … Read more

What Will Gun-Controllers Demand After the Santa-Fe Shooting? – Question of the Day

In the rush to report on yesterday’s shooting at Santa Fe High School, some of the usual suspects assumed that it was yet another instance of a bullied, maladjusted kid who’d gotten ahold of a “weapon of war,” the anti-gunners’ bete noir, an AR-15 rifle. The bullied, maladjusted part may be correct — all of … Read more