Ex Everytown Employee: Working There Was ‘Like Being In an Abusive Relationship’

A former Everytown for Gun Safety employee took to Glassdoor — a website where current and former employees can anonymously rate and review employers — to warn people to stay away from the gun control organization. According to the review, left on July 30, 2021, working for Everytown was “similar to being in an abusive … Read more

Shannon Watts Shrieks and the WaPo Jumps…All Because of a Lego-Inspired GLOCK

Gun control advocates are quick to point the finger any time a mass shooting or a tragedy takes place. Somehow the firearm is always responsible for the outcome, even when the perp obtained the firearm used legally. It’s never the criminal’s fault. It’s always down to the chunk of metal…the tool that was used. So, naturally, … Read more