Florida 13-Year-Old Sells A Gun To 19-Year-Old Then Fatally Shoots Him

A 14-year-old Florida teen warming the bench in a juvenile detention facility has picked up a second-degree murder charge in connection with his 2023 fatal shooting of a 19-year-old, according to deputies. As if not depressing enough to question the fate of humanity, with kids this young acting this violently, the incident took place during … Read more

Baldwin Film Crew Spent Spare Time Target Shooting With ‘Prop Gun’ Before Incident

While Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Deputies have remained tight-lipped about their investigation of Alec Baldwin’s killing his director of photography and wounding his director on the set of the movie ‘Rust’ being filmed in New Mexico, the cast and crew have not. In fact, they’ve been sharing all manner of details about what took place … Read more

Update on Alec Baldwin Movie Set Shooting Death

Additional information continues to trickle out in the “Rust” movie on-set shooting death of director of photography Halyna Hutchins and wounding of the film’s director Joel Souza. It seems that Baldwin wore dual hats as both the star as well as the producer of the film. Authorities now acknowledge the obvious: the prop gun “loaded … Read more

Smith & Wesson’s K-Frame .38 Special Masterpieces

The Smith & Wesson Model 14 Target Masterpiece and Model 15 Combat Masterpiece are by far some of Big Blue’s best old school blued steel K-Frame .38 Special goodness. These guns were from a bygone era, back when gasoline was leaded, television was the Big Three Networks, and spare ammo on a cop’s duty belt … Read more

Self-Deploying At Your Kid’s School Is A Bad Idea

About a week ago in Idaho, parents rushed to a local high school. They had heard rumors of an armed student on a rampage. A number of good Samaritans showed up with their guns, some even carrying AR-15 rifles, ready for a fight.  Thankfully, when police showed up they used good judgement and nobody left … Read more

Growing Up (Mostly) Gun-less

I am a child of Television. It’s true. Most kids first words are “Mama!” or “Da-da!” Mine was “Popeye.” I am not making this up. I grew up on a steady diet not of ABCs and phonics, but of ABC, NBC, and CBS. I watched everything from Captain Kangaroo and Kukla, Fran and Ollie, to Eliot Ness and Matt Dillon. As such, I was intimately acquainted with guns. Six guns. Shotguns. Lever action carbines. Tommy guns. You name it, and I saw it on TV. And of course, growing up in the 1960s, guns were a regular part of my play. I had that Mattel belt buckle with a derringer in it, where if I pushed out my stomach, I could flip it out and fire it at the bad guys. I had a Mattel M-16 Marauder (a.k.a. a toy M-16/AR-15). I even had a toy Thompson submachine gun. So riddle me this, Batman: why did it take until I hit my mid-forties, before I bought my first handgun and learned how to shoot?

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AP: Loners Hard to Catch. In Other News, Water is Still Wet.

Yep. The crack reporters at the Associated (de)Press(ed – hat tip to Mark Levin) are rested, ready and a-rarin’ to go, with coverage on the Jared Lee Loughner phenomenon. Well, that is if you count “incompetent sheriff’s apologist” as Excellence in Journalism. When even the New York Times feels obligated to point out that the police and sheriff’s office knew about Loughner long before the attack, and had several run-ins with him, you’ve got to enjoy the contortions the AP’s going through, to spin the story to exonerate the sheriff, and implicate the Right.

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