Do You Correct Other Shooters at the Range?

We’ve all seen it. Someone holding a gun incorrectly at the range, sometimes in a way that’s going to hurt when they pull the trigger. Or, more alarming, someone failing to follow one or more of the four rules of firearm safety. As in the photo above. If you’re at a supervised range, you’d hope … Read more

The 3 Best Ways To Piss Off Other People at a Gun Range

Any gun guru worth his or her salt will tell you to avoid stupid people in stupid places doing stupid things. As someone who’s been to more gun ranges than the average guy, we should modify that adage to account for the risks involved when shooting guns next to complete strangers. Avoid stupid armed people … Read more

5 Shooting Range Keys for New Gun Owners [VIDEO]

  As anyone who reads TTAG knows, there are millions of new firearm owners in the US. First-timers who have bought a gun in the last year or so for all kinds of reasons. While that’s made finding and affording ammunition a challenge, having more people invested in the Second Amendment is great news for … Read more