Diamondback Firearms SDR .357 Revolver at Industry Day

I’ll be honest, when I saw the press release for the Diamondback Firearms .357 Magnum SDR revolver the other day, I was nonplussed. It looked fine, but nothing special at a glance. After being able to examine it up close and shoot it at SHOT Show 2024’s Industry Day at the Range that all changed. … Read more

SHOT Show: Digging Into the Really New RIA 5.0 9mm Pistol

Truly new guns are few and far between. Virtually everything we have now is basically a clone of something else. Sometimes the size is changed, and sometimes the shape or magazine is altered, but most new guns really aren’t so new. On the flip side, the Rock Island Armory 5.0 is something new. Like…really new, … Read more

Burglar’s Butcher Knife No Match For Resident’s Handgun in Harristown, PA

Some folks simply lack the intellect of the average potted plant. These extra low-information types, despite all of life’s lessons, remain slow to realize the folly of bringing a knife to a gun fight. This time, Keon Washington, aged old-enough-to-know-better, escaped with his life after kicking in the back door of a Harrisburg, Pennsylvania home. … Read more

SHOT Show: Springfield’s New Ronin 1911 in .45 and 9mm

I have a checkered history with 1911s. I don’t get the hubbub, but I can appreciate their aesthetic, the awesome triggers and historical significance. There are lots and lots of different companies producing 1911s, probably close to the number of companies producing different types of AR-15s. The gun has been around the block a time … Read more

Infographic: How Big Is The SHOT Show?

Image: Nick Leghorn for TTAG
I’ll give you a hint: this is only the press lounge from 2012. Bring Back The Beer!

The SHOT Show extravaganza is almost here, and all of our email accounts are buzzing with invites, plans, and travel details as we draw a deep breath before taking the plunge. As if to remind us of the enormity of the undertaking, the NSSF has put out a cool infographic which boils all of the halls, stalls and booth babes into some mind-boggling statistics. (Okay, I made up that part about the booth babes.) . . .

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Die Cell Phone! Die!

How many of you have ever wanted to shoot your cell phone? I know I have. Remember what life was like before cell phones? Getting in your car meant “windshield time,” where you could be alone with your thoughts. Being “off the grid” wasn’t unusual back then – you could have hours at a time where you couldn’t be reached. I call mine my electronic leash. And I like my cell phone. (My cell phone company on the other hand…)

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