Shot Placement: Hogs, Hogs, Hogs

Hog hunting has enjoyed Most Popular Hunt status for some time now. And of course, when people think feral hogs they tend to think Texas. It’s certainly true the Lone Star State has more than its share of the destructive pests, but they’re now a widespread menace. In honor of the arrival of summer and … Read more

Shot Placement: Summer Hunting (Bring on the ‘Yotes)

It was going to happen eventually. Spring turkey has come to an end almost nationwide. Yeah, there are a few stragglers like Washington State, my state of birth. In Washington you can go after three species of turkeys all the way until the end of May. And Washington hunting tends towards the epic in many … Read more

Shot Placement: The Ethical Truth About High-Fence Hunting

Hunting is defined as the determined search for or pursuit of wild animals, so it’s logical that Merriam-Webster defines a hunter as “one that searches for something.” In fact, that phrase resonates for many hunters. We search for our game, we rattle, we call, we wait, and still we often trudge home empty-handed. Hunting takes … Read more

Shot Placement: We Have the (Processed) Meat

Meals in 2018 are a simple process. Pick your poison – fast food, sit-down restaurant, ready-made meals at the grocery store – and you’re golden. Food today comes in outrageously simplistic packages from pre-cut, pre-peeled, pre-packaged apples to sliced-and-diced, single-serving pickles. Whatever you want is available, effort-free. This includes meat, which can be purchased as … Read more

Self-Defense Tip: Focus on Shot Placement

The MSM coverage of this Quebec cow killing has focused on its necessity, or lack thereof. “Police officers who shot two cows that escaped on their way to the slaughterhouse say they had to kill them because they were a threat to the public,” the AP reports. “Gatineau police spokesman Pierre Lanthier said Monday the cows charged police. Lanthier says it occurred near a primary school and says the cows could have killed a child.” For our purposes, set aside the idea of the cops waiting for a shotgun or rifle (as they did) and notice how many shots were required to send Elmer to the great meat processing factory in the sky. Of course, there’s a few key differences between a bovine that’s [temporarily] escaped from the slaughterhouse and Mr. Bad Guy. For one thing, bad guys are way harder to shoot . . .

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