Shooter’s Global Redefines Firearms Training with SG Timer 2, SG Timer Go, and SG Pulse Electronic Level

Shooter’s Global Redefines Firearms Training with SG Timer 2, SG Timer Go, and SG Pulse Electronic Level

Precision, speed, and reliable data are the foundations of effective training for competitive shooters, professional trainers, and shooting enthusiasts.  Shooter’s Global has stormed into the market with three dynamic tools that promise to elevate your marksmanship to new heights: the SG Timer 2, SG Timer Go, and SG Pulse Electronic Level. SG Timer 2: Premium … Read more

Pocket Pro II – How a Shot Timer Can Improve Your Shooting

I’m not a big fan of the idea that this accessory or that one can make you a better shooter. There are slight performance variances that different gizmos and doohickeys can deliver, for sure. However, if you don’t know how to shoot in the first place, almost none of them are going to help you … Read more

A Great Shot Timer at a Great Price

Shot timers are a great tool. They allow you to measure and test the speed of your draw, your transitions, reloads, movements and anything else during your dry-fire practice, training, or at a match. A shot timer is one of the few practical ways of instantly adding some pressure to your training session, specifically the … Read more

Shooting Accessories And Your Smartphone: Get High Tech

It’s 2018 and there’s no longer any reason not to integrate your smartphone into your shooting and training routine. Besides browsing Gunbroker and Armslist looking for that next acquisition, your phone can actually be used as a training tool. That includes not only gear that interfaces with your smartphone, but also applications that you can … Read more