Gun Review: Charles Daly AR 410 Upper Receiver

You gotta love the AR-15 as a platform. Even if it can be a bit of a bore in terms of everyone making one, it’s such an adaptable, flexible, and ever-evolving platform. It’s one of the few designs I can actually call a platform without feeling a little cringey. That’s mainly because it can be … Read more

Gear Review: The Aridus QD-C Quick Detach Carrier Shotgun Sidesaddle

My shotgun nerdism continues, and I’ve finally got my hands on an Aridus Industries universal QD-C sidesaddle. I purchased my Benelli M4 over a year ago and have been waiting for these to come back in stock. I was constantly missing them by what seemed like mere hours. I missed them so often that I … Read more

Gear Review: TactaLoad Flash 5 Shotgun Stock

Carrying extra shotgun ammo isn’t easy. It’s big, bulky, and tossing on a plate carrier or chest rig during a home defense situation is unlikely. The side saddle is the most common method of carrying spare rounds on the gun and is often the fastest means to reload. Recently I stumbled across the Flash 5 … Read more

Mini Shotgun Shells Part 2, 2.25-Inch Round Electric Boogaloo

A while back, I wrote about the merits, the downsides, and the popularity of mini shotgun shells from Federal, Aguila, and Challenger. These were all 1.75-inch shells that I have fun with, but didn’t see a ton of practical use for. Today we are looking at a different type of mini shell. These are 2.25 … Read more

DIY Friday: Make an M-LOK Side Saddle for Your KelTec KS7 Shotgun

In my Keltec KS7 review, I mentioned that I wish someone would make an M-LOK side saddle I could attach to the shotgun. There isn’t a lot of room on the gun for accessories. It’s only 26.1 inches long, and there simply isn’t enough real estate to place even a Velcro side saddle in an … Read more

Gun Review: Iron Horse Sentry 12 Shotgun

[UPDATE: Since this review was published, Iron Horse Firearms has parted ways with Blackwater Worldwide. You can get more information about the Iron Horse Sentry 12 shotgun here.] The former CEO of Blackwater, the renowned, often controversial private security company, has gotten into the firearms world. I’m not clear how the company’s corporate structure works … Read more

Gun Review: Mossberg 590 Retrograde Shotgun

Just a short while back, I reviewed the pump action Mossberg 500 Retrograde and found it to be a fun, lightweight, easy-shooting gun. It was as simple as shotguns get. But the 500 is not the only Retrograde model, Mossberg also introduced two 590 Retrograde models. I got my hands on the manlier version of … Read more

Canada Prime Minister Trudeau’s ‘Assault-Style’ Gun Ban Outlaws Many Shotguns, Bolt Action Rifles

By Larry Keane Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is either devilishly stupid, or devilishly underhanded. With Canada’s Boy Wonder, sometimes the differences are difficult to discern. The Canadian head-of-state’s unilateral gun grab that bans 1,500 makes and models of modern sporting rifles under the guise of an “assault-style” firearm classification, swept up multiple other firearms. Some are certainly “military-grade” … Read more

Ammo Review: Winchester PDX1 Defender 12 Gauge

Buck and ball loads have a pretty long history of success in the United States. However, that success was primarily from 1776 to the 1860s. New buck and ball loads haven’t been quite as popular since the invention of modern shotshells and cartridge ammunition. Several years ago, Winchester introduced the PDX1 Defender load, which introduced … Read more