Gun Review: Armscor Rock Island Armory VR80 Shotgun

Rock Island Armory’s VR lineup of shotguns is a growing. I reviewed the VRBP-100 just a short while back, and while I liked it, I didn’t love it. One VR model I really do love, though, is the VR80. The Armscor RIA VR80 is the second generation of their AR-style magazine-fed shotguns. It’s a magazine-fed, … Read more

Gun Review: Rock Island Armory VRBP-100 12 Gauge Bullpup Shotgun

I love shotguns. I own dozens of them. And the Rock Island Armory VRBP-100 is likely the most unique. The Rock Island Armory VR series of shotguns has traditionally taken an AR-like approach to semi-auto shotguns. The VRBP-100 12 gauge takes a slightly different route as you’d imagine. However, it does retain a few AR-ish … Read more

How an Operator Taught Me to Shoot Skeet

While visiting recently with everyone’s favorite saddle burr, my good friend Male Concubine, he inquired into the current state of my shooting and what I might be working toward right now. I was honest with him that although I’m happy with the way my pistol skills have come up to par and am about to … Read more

Winchester Introduces the Elegant Super X4 Upland Field Shotgun

[reviewadinsert] There are few things more pleasing than a beautiful shotgun. Winchester’s latest Super X4 model certainly seems to fit that description. Here’s their press release: Upland bird hunting is steeped in heritage, and carrying a beautiful, top-performing shotgun into the field ranks among the most notable of traditions. With that in mind, Winchester Repeating … Read more

I Call Shotgun: The Rolling Thunder Drill

This July, for the first time ever, TacCon was held in the Pacific Northwest (thus becoming Northwest TacCon). During NW TacCon, Chief Deputy at Oconee County Georgia Sheriff’s Office Lee Weems put a group of us through the Rolling Thunder shotgun drill. The drill is designed to put shooters through the paces of reloads, rapid … Read more

Thank Goodness We Have NBC’s Andrea Mitchell to Explain How Shotguns Work

The AR-15 has only been around for about 60 years, so you can understand why no one in the mainstream media seems to know the first thing about what it does, how it works…you know…esoteric details like that. It’s why they hate it so much when gun rights supporters call them on their errors in … Read more

A Wedding Present Fit for Royalty

Ernest Hemingway, George Eastman, Elmer Keith, Jimmy Stewart … and Princess Diana. While it may seem as though one of these things is not like the other, they all share a common bond: Guns made by Westley Richards & Company of Birmingham, England. It’s not uncommon to hear about someone getting a gun as a … Read more

Shot Placement: Me and My (Hunting) Gang

Kat Ainsworth has joined TTAG as our new hunting editor. This is the first column in her new series, Shot Placement. The inky weight of night was still upon us as we climbed into the pit. Me, with my ever-present mug of coffee – this time purloined from the corner of the lodge’s kitchen – … Read more