Reader: Delta Airlines Zip-Tied My Baggage, Too!

Following our earlier post on zip-tied luggage at airports, a reader who prefers to remain anonymous writes: I just got back from a trip to a skeet competition in San Antonio and we dealt with the new TSA gun transport “rules”. Here is how lax and sad the situation is. Traveling from Jacksonville to San … Read more

You Really Should be Duck Hunting…And Here’s Why

With Dan’s first time duck hunting post, and Liberte’s how-to, I thought I’d chime in for the hat trick of duck hunting authors this season and let you know why you should be hunting ducks. I spend a lot of time hunting.  Most years, In fact I hunt more days than I don’t. But duck hunting has … Read more

Gun Review: Mossberg Model 930 ‘Tactical’ Autoloading Shotgun

Image: Chris DummTTAG is no stranger to the Mossberg Model 930: the 930 SPX was rigorously compared to the FNH-SLP in 2011, and the 930 SPX was also the subject of its own review in 2010. This is not a review of the 930 SPX. The Model 930 is one of the lowest-priced autoloading shotguns on the market, and the only such budget boomstick to be made in America. Other semi-automatic shotguns might have illustrious police and military pedigrees, but none of them share the Mossy’s’s $499 street price or ‘Made In USA’ bragging rights . . .

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Defensive Shotguns: Was Tailgunner Joe Biden Right After All?

Delaware’s white-toothed wonder may have been on to something when he advised his subjects to defend themselves with shotguns. Most of Tailgunner Joe’s reasoning was cynical claptrap: he wants you to only have a shotgun so the Jackboots can take you out more easily with their ARs. And the part about warning shots? Vintage Bidinsanity. But he was right about one thing: defensive shotguns kick ass . . .

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How to Fend Off Mexican Pirates

Way down Rio Grande way, the “border troubles” with our friends in Mexico are spilling out over our border. Haven’t gotten the memo? Think it’s just a couple of uppity ranchers on the border gettin’ into a little dustup with some over-zealous economically challenged Mexicans running some pot to pay the bills? Think again.  Check out this story from Fox News: Pirates Threaten Boaters on U.S. – Mexico Border Lake. Seems the Mexican drug gangs have turned to the second-oldest profession. With guns. And everything.

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